Fragments… Heartful Rumblings

“Be still, sad heart! And cease repining
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining
Thy fate is the common fate of all
Into each life some rain must fall.”
― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


When you’re feeling too worn out, tired, or hurting… Smile! The only armor of defense.

Expectation will not break your heart. It will crush it.

You have a good heart… And you think that’s enough to protect you? Mostly, it’s not.

Want to be wise? Let your heart be broken, to bits… Before years can make it wiser.

Misty, stormy night. Walking by myself. Rain falling, crumbling my heart to pieces.

Retrieving the broken remains… My heart in a coffin. Burying it in my memory, only to redeem it again.

Healing. Touching the heart, kissing the soul. Love never blames, but forgives.

No heart is unscarred… When it hurts, it’s alive.

Skeptical mind, sentimental heart. No matter how many times it falls, and stands, it survives. Only one, my own.

Be still, my heart. Keep fighting, keep loving. Behind the clouds, sunbeams shine, heal, and stay.


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